To the Friends and Family of President and Sister Russell

To the Friends and Family of President and Sister Russell


Sunday, June 4, 2017

 On Friday and Saturday we held our last Senior Couples Conference. We love having these! Some of our couples are so far out that we only see them 
at zone conferences. They are all our eternal friends!!
I missed a prime opportunity to get pictures of the dinner on Friday night, and for that I am sorry. However, after dinner we met for about two and a half hours. President Lowary gave a wonderful message about Alma chapter 5. I talked about Peter and his decision to leave his nets and follow the Savior. President Russell also had some comments. We had Elder and Sister Mabey and Elder and Sister Bernhardt share their testimonies, as they will both be leaving soon.
On Saturday after breakfast I finally remembered I had a camera! 

President and Sister Lowary are in the foyer, I told them they had the 'box seats'. 
President and Sister Cropper were unable to make it, and we miss them.

 We have, starting from the left (top); Elder and Sister Sivula, Sister and Elder Jensen, and Elder and Sister Woolley.

 On the sofa is Elder and Sister Bernhardt and Sister Merrill.

 In the back left are Elder and Sister Mabey and in the front are Sister and Elder Danley.

 It's important that we get Sister Merrill with Elder Merrill and next to them is a better picture of Sister and Elder Danley.

Keeping up with my lack of taking pictures I missed breakfast as well. We're getting ready for lunch.
 This incredibly handsome man is president Russell.

 You can almost see Sister Bernhardt getting her salad and Sister Lowary is getting her hamburger.

In the dining room is (left); Sister Merrill, Elder Merrill, Sister Woolley, Elder Woolley, and Sister and Elder Sivula.

This is a great lunch! Here is Sister Mabey with Elder and Sister Jensen.

President Russell stands behind 
Elder and Sister Danley

 I'm pretty sure I told Elder Hill I was going to take a picture, but in his defense, the watermelon was awesome! Behind is Elder Cronin talking with president Russell

Elder Flake and Elder Parker came to talk with the president and here Elder Flake is with Sister Merrill. You can almost see Elder Parker. 

 I had to get all of Elder Parker!

Notice how in sync Elder Mabey, president Russell, Elders Cronin and Hill are. You almost expect them to break into song...but they didn't.

While president Russell was  grilling the hamburgers our friend and next door neighbor, Tim is working in his yard. He and his wife are so sweet. 

Elder Bernhardt and Sister Bernhardt joined those at the table. Elder Bernhardt talked with Tim for a while (probably about the Plan of Salvation or the Restoration). I happen to know Tim already has The Plan of Salvation pamphlet because I gave them one.
At breakfast Elder Bernhardt was talking about how difficult it is to lose weight here in the mission field and he introduced us to Bob. Well, Bob is an acronym for Belly Over Belt. He explained that Bob goes everywhere he does.

After lunch president Russell talked about Jacob chapter 5.

 I remember when I was younger if I wanted someone to explain something to me carefully I would ask them to pretend I was a six-year-old. Today I need a six-year-old to explain things to me. Elder Cronin and Elder Hill are talking about iPads. We, older ones, had lots of questions.

These two missionaries are amazing! And oh so patient with our questions!

At every Senior Couples Conference we sing our OEM Senior Couples Song. It was written by Sister Mary Ann Cropper, president Cropper's wife.

The best senior missionaries in the OEM!
Front left: Sister and Elder Sivula, President Lowary, Sister and Elder Woolley. Next row; President and Sister Russell, Sister Lowary, Sister Merrill, and Sister and Elder Danley.
Next row; Sister Jensen with Elder Jensen behind her, Elder Merrill, Sister and Elder Bernhardt, and on the back row, last but not least; Elder and Sister Mabey (they are in the back because they are  the tallest of us all).