Welcome to the best mission in the world, the OEM!!
Elder Bowers is with his trainer Elder Hatch. They will be serving in Corvallis.
Elder Lambert is with his trainer Elder Watson, they will be serving in Springfield.
Sister Doxey will be training Sister Hepworth and they will be serving in Santa Clara.
Sister Jones will be trained by Sister Asregadoo and they will be serving in Springfield.
Sister Mills will be trained by Sister Vance and they will be serving in Roseburg.
The newest missionaries in the Oregon Eugene Mission!
With their trainers.
And, they are off to their apartments!
Elder Lambert starts to load his suitcases and bike in the car (Elder Arias looks on)
Sister Asregadoo and Sister Jones are already packed up!
Sister Doxey and Sister Hepworth discussing their plans to get on their way.
Another parting shot.
Elder Lambert is SO excited about the snack the office missionaries made for him.
Elders Bowers and Hatch and Sisters Vance and Mills are already on their way to their apartments.