February 2016 MLC
President Russell is instructing all zone leaders and Sister Training Leaders.
We do several 'role plays'. President Cropper is listening to Elders Roller and Cho and Sister Rasmussen and Poulsen
Sister Brownlee and Sister Newsome role play with Elders Cluff and Finlinson
These missionaries are all excellent at role plays
They use scriptures, iPads, and pamphlets to teach
Sister Crandall and Steele are being 'taught' by Elder Hsiung and Elder Kung
Elder Arias and Elder Adams are pretty good at role plays with Sister Ansus and Sister Geisler
Here Elder Whyte is listening to Sisters Holiday and Sister Linstedt and
Elders Provstgaard and Swiderski
President Russell offers suggestions to Elder Earl, Elder Perrine, Sister Fausett
and Sister Woolfe
Elder Jensen and Elder Black listen intently to Sister Stucki and Sister Sowter.
These wonderful office Sisters prepared the most delicious lunch!
Sister Christensen, Sister Sutterfield, and Sister Phipps
All missionaries pause to eat chicken sandwiches, homemade mac and cheese, carrot and celery sticks, and red velvet cupcakes with white cream cheese frosting!
Elders Cho, Hsiung, and Kung
Sister Sutterfield brings extra cupcakes to Sister Ansus, Connelly, and Rasmussen.
Sister Connelly and Sister Rasmussen now appear at the table with Sister Sowter, Sister Brownlee, Sister Dobbs, Sister Fausett, Sister Woolfe, Sister Steele, and Sister Crandall
Sister Geisler (left), Sister Holiday, Sister Linstedt, (and moving around the back of the table), Sister Poulsen, Sister Yeung, Sister Stucki, Sister Newsome, Sister Chang and Sister Ansus.
Deep. deep discussion between Elders Campbell, Cluff, and Swiderski.
Could Elder Thurgood's smile get any bigger??? One would think I caught them all as they were about to eat. Not so, Elder Roller and Elder Wells waited until I was about to take the picture. Elder Finlinson looks a little dazed.
Now Elder Finlinson smiles along with Elder Jensen. Elder Earl shows his ability to eat his chicken sandwich while Elder Redding is just happy to be here. Not sure what has captivated the attention of Elder Provstgaard. Sister Wood and Sister Sands smile in the back. Elder Thurgood (front right) is still eating his chicken sandwich while Elder Black gives us the thumbs up. You can barely see Elder Arias and Elders Perrine.
The traditional 'selfie' with Elder Black.
President Russell smiles at the camera
Elder Campbell and Elder Cluff pose with lunch
What a smile from Elder Finlinson!
Elder Whyte joins the Asian Elders
Going back for seconds.
Cute smiles from Sister Dobbs
and Sister Brownlee
What can I say about this one???
One final pic of Sisters Ansus, Chang, Geisler, and Holiday.
The Oregon Eugene Mission Leadership Council...usually this is the last picture we take at MLC, but the chairs were still set up for the group picture and some took advantage of that:
Elders Roller, Poston, Wells, Arias and Adams, and...
Sisters Geisler, Sowter, Fausett, and Woolfe.
We love our missionaries!!!